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1 / 13
35 m2
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"Liverpool: Appartamento 2.5 locali"

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nozip Liverpool


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Anzahl Zimmer:
35 m2


SIT with YOU in NEW Markets

SIT is expanding new real-estate international market opportunities to increase value for its Customers.
SIT International is a division of SIT Group that chooses and proposes international property investments based on income.
In a world where the boards are collapsing, it is a MUST to search the best International real-estate investment opportunities.

Starting from this competitive vision of the world, SIT has opened the INTERNATIONAL division. Our professionals will assist you through the most interesting projects assisting you also on fiscal and legal aspects and dealing with the foreign contractors and developpers.

Here below see the proposal in Liverpool UK:

NATEX is an exclusive real-estate investment opportunity in Liverpool city center. The project offers several types of housing units in order to satisfy the growing accommodation demand of international Students (see Ticino Economico- Nov. 2019- pag. 16 "Plans to boost international student numbers and income").
NATEX is a student housing of 566 units (472 En-suite apartments and 94 Studios) divided into 2 blocks of 10 and 16 floors. The two blocks are located in a strategic point in the heart of Liverpool (United Kingdom) between the two main Universities: The University of Liverpool and John Moores University.
Why should you invest in NATEX? Among the main reasons there are:
-9% annual yield return guaranteed for 5 years. According to the Business Plan, the return yield will increase to a maximum of 9.8% (the 6th year) and to a maximum of 11.8% (the 10th year);
-The income generated will be paid at the end of each quarter;
-Up to 5% rate of interest on deposited funds;
-Neither stamp duty required at the purchase date nor annual property tax;
-No expenses for the first five years (only 2.500£ from the 6th year on)

The construction project has been starting in November 2018. The finalization forecast is for the first quarter of 2021.
Contact us to discover more about your next investment!


Studio Immobiliare Ticino Sagl
Studio Immobiliare Ticino Sagl
Via P. Lucchini 2
6900 Lugano


Ufficio Studio Immobilare Ticino Sagl

Studio Immobiliare Ticino Sagl
Studio Immobiliare Ticino Sagl

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* Mit dem Ankreuzen dieses Kästchens stimme ich zu, dass ImmoScout24 meine Daten wie hier beschrieben verarbeiten darf.

Ähnliche Objekte, die dich interessieren könnten

Schutz vor Betrügern

  • Überweise niemals Geld im Voraus
  • Sei vorsichtig, wenn das Angebot zu günstig oder nicht plausibel erscheint
  • Teile niemals persönliche Daten wie Bankangaben oder Ausweiskopien
  • Unterzeichne keinen Vertrag, bevor du das Objekt besichtigt hast

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